State Bank of India is one of the biggest public sector banks in India. According to the annual report of the bank for fiscal 2016-2017, its customers are higher than 33.74 crores, has more than 263 ATM booths PAN-India, and has around 3.26 users of its internet banking.
What is the IFSC code?
IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. It is an 11-digit code that the Reserve Bank of India assigns to every branch of the financial institutions of the country that participate in the payment system so that they can be identified uniquely. Electronic payment systems like NEFT and RTGS use this code, and it is compulsory for transferring funds from one bank account to another. The IFSC is unique for every bank branch; therefore, two branches of the same or different banks will never have the same IFSC. You can find the IFSC Code Finder for most banks on their website.
What is the IFSC code of the State Bank of India?
The first four letters of the 11-digit SBI IFSC code are SBIN, while the last six digits indicate a specific branch code. Suppose, for the SBI Bank branch at Himalaya House, New Delhi 110001; the SBI IFSC is SBIN0005943, where the initial four letters are SBIN, which are common to all the branches of the bank, while the last six digits 005943 represent the branch code. If you want to know the IFSC code of your SBI branch, you can use their online IFSC Code Finder from their official website.
Revised SBI IFSC Code After Rationalisation
Recently, SBI updated the IFSC codes of a few of its branches across the country. It got into a merger deal, as a part of which it started a collaboration with five associate banks, including State Bank of Bikaner, State Bank of Jaipur, Mysore, Patiala, and Travancore, and Bharatiya Mahila Bank. As a result of the rationalisation process, the bank revised the IFSC codes of about 1,300 of its branches. Additionally, around 125 branches of SBI have been moved to other locations as a part of the rationalisation. To make the transition process from the old IFSC codes to the updated ones, SBI has already mapped the old IFSC codes with the new ones internally.
What is MICR code?
The full form of MICR is Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It is a code employe to verify the authenticity of paper documents, especially cheques, to simplify the process of processing and to clear them. The MICR code is a 9-digit code that contains only numerical values.
What is the MICR code of the State Bank of India?
Many branches of the State Bank of India are support by NEFT, most of which have a MICR code number. If you want the MICR code of your SBI branch, you can easily find it. If you have an account with SBI, you can open your passbook and find the MICR code of your branch print on the front. Just like the IFSC Code Finder, you can also check the MICR code of any branch of the State Bank of India on their official website.
SBI Branches in India
The State Bank of India has a total of 28980 branches in India that are distribute across 36 states or union territories of the country, including Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Tripura, Assam, Chandigarh, Manipur, Andaman Nicobar, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Kerala, Delhi, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Dadra Nagar, West Bengal, Goa, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Lakshadweep, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, Orissa, Punjab, Sikkim, Telangana, Nagaland, Pondicherry, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh. Additionally, the bank has around 4360 ATM booths across the country.
SBI is one of the main financial institutions in India. The SBI IFSC code is an important set of characters that is important for fund transfers, while MICR is crucial for verifying the authenticity of financial documents. Therefore, you must find out these details regarding your SBI bank account using an IFSC Code Finder. Hope this blog help you with the same!
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